One night Harlyn, Giovanni and I had to save our 7 million dollars worth of diamonds. People were trying to rob us In our Magical garden.Suddenly I Heard the bush rumble and then a loud gun shot we grabbed our handcuffs and our guns.They came in from behind we weren’t ready ush he got me in the leg oh”no help him no you no you I said help help
But nobody came goodbye he is died all right lets do this baing baing we got them no way we say no more bad guys but what we did not no they had 2 more baing that was kloos to me watch out they have guns of kos they do they are bad gus o now I no we should run. Yes o no there is more of them o no came on we have been thru so maths what no we have not yes no yes no yes how about we split up yes we have been arguing too much yes goodbye I will see you at the end of this story oh it is the end.